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每日新闻播报(April 27)

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每日新闻播报(April 27)

chinadaily.com.cn 2021-04-27 18:01

分享到微信 CLOSE 为正常播放该音频,请使用IE9及以上版本IE浏览器或其它浏览器。 Embed Audio Huang Kunming, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, attends and makes a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the fourth Digital China Summit in Fuzhou, East China's Fujian province, April 25, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Summit on digital development数字中国建设峰会举行

The fourth Digital China Summit kicked off on Sunday in Fuzhou, capital of East China's Fujian province, exhibiting breakthroughs in the information sector and innovations in digital transformation. 第四届数字中国建设峰会4月25日在福建省福州市开幕,展示了中国信息领域的突破和数字转型的创新。


Themed "Stimulating New Dynamics of Data Factors and Embarking on a New Journey for Digital China", the summit aims to provide a platform for exchanges in digital technology and industry cooperation. 本届峰会以"激发数据要素新动能,开启数字中国新征程"为主题,旨在为数字技术交流和产业合作提供平台。


The summit, held both online and offline, consists of seven sections, including a main forum, an exhibition, sub-forums and an innovation contest. It will focus on the digital transformation of several sectors, including governance, the economy, ecology, IT, urban construction and rural revitalization. 本届峰会继续设立"云上峰会"平台,线上线下同步展现峰会盛况。峰会主要内容包括主论坛、分论坛、成果展览会、创新大赛等7个环节,聚焦政务、经济、生态、信息技术、城市建设和乡村振兴等多个领域的数字化转型。


The two-day event was jointly organized by the Cyberspace Administration of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the provincial government of Fujian.为期两天的峰会由国家互联网信息办公室、国家发展和改革委员会、工业和信息化部、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会、福建省人民政府共同主办。


A clerk counts cash at a bank in Nantong, Jiangsu province. [Photo/Sipa]

>China to optimize financial services to SMEs优化中小企业发展环境


China's banking and insurance regulator issued a circular Sunday on further promoting high-quality development of financial services to small and medium-sized enterprises in 2021. 银保监会4月25日印发了《关于2021年进一步推动小微企业金融服务高质量发展的通知》。


Efforts will be made to enhance the effective growth of financial support to SMEs and significantly improve its quality, efficiency and effectiveness, according to the circular issued by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. 《通知》围绕推动小微企业金融供给总量有效增长,质量、效率、效益明显提升的总体目标,明确了政策要求。


Vowing to speed up the expansion of inclusive loans to SMEs and increase the number of borrowers this year, the circular urges the five major banks to increase their inclusive loans to the firms by over 30 percent. 普惠型小微企业贷款全年要继续实现增速、户数的"两增"目标,其中五家大型银行要努力实现普惠型小微企业贷款全年增长30%以上。


It requires large and joint-stock banks to play a leading role in optimizing services to SMEs borrowing for the first time and makes the number of new first-time borrowers exceed that of last year. 要求大型银行、股份制银行发挥行业带头作用,强化"首贷户"服务,努力实现2021年新增小微企业"首贷户"数量高于2020年。


China's inclusive loans to SMEs have registered rapid growth for three consecutive years. The balance of outstanding loans reached 16.81 trillion yuan ($2.59 trillion) by the end of March 2021, surging by 33.87 percent year-on-year, which covered more than 27.4 million borrowers.普惠型小微企业贷款连续三年实现高速增长,截至2021年3月末,贷款余额16.81万亿元,同比增速33.87%,有贷款余额户数超过2740万户。


Students at Jingdian High School in Handan, Hebei province, participate in soccer drills in May, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

>2 hrs of daily physical activity保障中小学生体育活动


China's Ministry of Education has called for appropriate school scheduling to ensure that students at the compulsory education stage engage in one hour of physical activity both during and after school hours every day. 教育部日前发布通知,要求学校作出适当安排,着力保障中小学生每天校内、校外各1小时体育活动时间。


Physical education classes and campus exercise activities should not be squeezed out in favor of other programs, the ministry said in a circular, which asked schools to offer guidance on PE homework and offer quality exercise resources. 《通知》要求,要确保不以任何理由挤占体育与健康课程和学生校园体育活动。学校要对体育家庭作业加强指导,提供优质的锻炼资源。


PE classes should focus on teaching students health knowledge, basic exercise skills and special sports skills, and enable every student to play one or two types of sports, the circular said. 中小学校要逐步完善"健康知识+基本运动技能+专项运动技能"学校体育教学模式,让每位学生掌握1-2项运动技能。


The ministry also encouraged the establishment of youth sports clubs where students can make use of their extracurricular time to practice soccer, basketball and volleyball, among other sports. 要创建青少年体育俱乐部,鼓励学生利用课余和节假日时间积极参加足球、篮球、排球等项目的训练。


The ministry said at a press conference Sunday that 95 percent of schools had ensured students took an hour of physical exercise every day during school hours. 教育部在4月25日的发布会上表示,95%的学校能够保障学生在校每天一小时体育锻炼。


Chinese students showed a gradual improvement in physical fitness as 33 percent were evaluated as being in good shape in 2020 compared to 26.5 percent in 2016, the ministry said. Incidence of being overweight and obese among students at various school ages was on a downward trajectory during the period, the ministry added.2016年至2020年全国学生体质健康状况总体呈现"逐步提升"的趋势,优良率由2016年的26.5%上升至2020年的33%,各学段学生超重和肥胖比例呈逐年下降趋势。


Multiple funeral pyres of victims of COVID-19 burn in an area converted into a crematorium for mass cremations in New Delhi, India, on Saturday. [Photo/Agencies]

>2nd wave projected to peak in mid-May印度疫情或5月中旬达峰


The ongoing second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India is projected to come to its peak in the middle of May, local media reported on Sunday. 据当地媒体4月25日报道,印度第二波新冠疫情可能于5月中旬达到峰值。


When reaching the peak time, daily COVID-19 cases in the Asian country are expected to rise to 500,000 and may subside between June and July. 到5月中旬疫情达到峰值时,印度每天新增确诊病例将高达50万例。疫情可能在6月到7月间平息。


According to media reports, the projections were presented by a senior federal government official at the meeting on Sunday, at which officials agreed that "heavily populated states are at particular risk; and, health infrastructure in states is not adequate enough to cope with the present serious scenario." 据媒体报道,这些预测是由一名联邦政府高级官员在4月25日的会议上提出的。与会官员一致认为,"人口稠密的邦将面临特殊风险,各邦卫生基础设施将不足以应对严重疫情。"


Uttar Pradesh is projected to suffer a daily shortage of about 16,752 hospital beds with supplied medical oxygen, of 3,061 intensive care unit beds, and of at least 1,538 ventilators. 北方邦每天将缺口约16752张带氧气的病床、约3061张重症监护病床和1538台呼吸机。


The country's COVID-19 tally reached 16,960,172 on Sunday with 349,691 new cases recorded in the past 24 hours. 4月25日,印度新冠肺炎确诊病例累计16960172例,24小时新增确诊病例349691例。


This was the fourth consecutive day when over 300,000 cases were registered in a single day.已连续4天单日新增病例超过30万例。


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