如何评价 2022 新高考全国Ⅰ卷英语题?今年题目难度如何?有哪些变化? 您所在的位置:网站首页 2022年全国一卷英语作文 如何评价 2022 新高考全国Ⅰ卷英语题?今年题目难度如何?有哪些变化?

如何评价 2022 新高考全国Ⅰ卷英语题?今年题目难度如何?有哪些变化?

2023-03-18 10:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

先来占坑 刚看到试卷 目前加急做答案和解析中

语法填空58有坑 猜猜到底填什么(先买个关子

去年的八省联考和新高考1卷都是第一时间做出来的 只错1个选择题(因此本人答案相对可靠



C. Park the car. (find the parking place)B. At home.B. They went to see a newborn baby. (审题,是上周做的事)C. To get some information. (不要觉得打酒店电话就是预约订房)A. Do some exercise. (还是审题!想去gym当然是锻炼)A. To ask for permission.B. On Saturday. (星期天还要休息,那么就是星期六去。)B. Choosing gifts.C. The man’s daughter. (the same as... toys...)C. $150. (3*50)B. To help them gain confidence.A. They may misbehave. (不认真听就会选担心孩子受伤,mess up/assessed and trained properly)A. Give a talk. (presentation超级常见的替换)C. Conducting an interview. (一上来就在感谢对方)C. To support the post-production.A. Her college education. (university也很简单的替换)B. Rewarding. (对词汇的把握,对话提到了unbelievable, great, helpful。B值得的。C高要求的。)A. Sports club members. B. In Dublin. (要听清对应;Manchester是football,Vancouver是现在工作的地方。题干问的是rugby)C. Influence of misinformation on the public. (核心词advertisement, lack support)


21. C. Course plan 提示词标题中的polices。22. B. Three 就是中间提到的三部分:Essays、Group Assignments、Daily work...

ps.该题有小伙伴指出,第四段最后那里还有内容,我在商榷商榷。本题最终确定仍为B,我认为这题命题组不会挖大坑,不然真的栓Q。理由:无论是group work in class还是assignments at home,其核心都属于Daily work/...这里面10%分数的内容。如果看做是两部分,那么Essay下的4篇essay是否也应该单独拎出来算?综上,还是选B吧,我觉得英语命题组还是有颗善心,若要打我脸,就当我放了个屁。

23. A. You will receive a zero. earn是同义替换,以及注意题干和文中的信息,是交晚了。

B篇,取材自2016年3月刊的National Geographic,题为Toss Less, Salvage More,国家地理是优质外刊

24. B. We waste food unintentionally at times. 作者其一系列的操作就已经表明人常常无意识就浪费了食物。25. B. Environmental harm.26. D. It make meals out of unwanted food.27. A. Buy only what is needed.

ps.应该不能选B。不要去细抠A的选项,认为它没有限定在食物当中。前者很明显能对应A项,后者的逻辑是,你不会吃的配菜,也就是不需要,与A也是对应。Reduce food consumption其逻辑理应是让你少吃,与Curtin的话有偏差了。

C篇,取材自2015年7月20日的Telegraph,题为Lonely elderly given hens to keep them company,每日电讯报,同样优质外刊

28. D. To promote the elderly people’s welfare. 29. B. She has gained a sense of achievement.30. C. Begin. 词汇量多的同学做起来应该简单。31. A. It is well received.

D篇,取材自2019年3月14日的New Scientists,题为Humans couldn't pronounce 'f' and 'v' sounds before farming developed,新科学家,同样是优质外刊,今年题源质量杠杠的

32. D. Its development. 重在理解how and why the trend arouse。33. C. Their jaws were not conveniently structured.34. A. Supporting evidence for the research findings.35. C. It is a complex and dynamic system.

七选五,取材自2018年7月11日的China Daily,题为Finding the right partner helps to prioritize workouts,国内优质英语学习网站

36. C. You’ll work harder if you train with someone else.37. D. Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?38. B. A workout partner needs to live close by.39. G. Any notice for a training partner should include such information.40. F. Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.

完形填空,取材自http://camping.com上的一篇短文,题为Reflections of Family Camping Trips,经核查所做答案全对。

41-45 CADCB (memories、camped、worried、uncomfortable、instead of)

46-50 ADBAC (worked、headed off、interrupted、wind、start)

51-55 ADCDB (luck、helplessly、safe、excitement、adventure)


语法填空,取材自Science Direct,题为Giant Panda National Park, a step towards streamlining protected areas and cohesive conservation management in China,这本期刊地位也很高。经对比原文,答案都对。

56. Covering 非谓语,逻辑主语为the GPNP57. the 倍数表达法58. were 坑题,关键词在previously“先前地”,语境很重要!!!以及记住副词的位置很灵活,在前在后都填were。59. to increase 不定式表目的,填increasing你就掉坑了60. is designed 被动语态,应该是表示一种客观事实61. and 并列关系62. populations 复数,后面的homes是一个很好的提示,不要带有错觉认为population是不可数63. eventually 形容词变副词,常规操作64. as 介词及固定搭配,“作为、充当”,能不能填for看阅卷实际操作吧(我觉得不会给分,毕竟两者有偏差),as肯定是首选最佳65. that 定从,注意有all,用which不太行

读后续写,经检索,来自如图所示的一本书,chicken soup真的很直接,的确符合续写选材,应该将会是一本很好的命题素材。







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