Codeforces科学刷题指南,一图一表便够了 您所在的位置:网站首页 1800题怎么刷 Codeforces科学刷题指南,一图一表便够了


2023-11-03 05:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


无论做什么事,多尝试、找套路、然后刻意练习都是至关重要的。对信息科学竞赛(Olympiad in Informatics)爱好者来说,找套路的关键就是多刷题。然而题海茫茫,单以Codeforces来说,截止2017年1月3日,总共有3206道题。换言之,如果一个人足够勤奋,能够一天刷三道题,那也得快三年才能把题目刷完,而且题目数量还在扩充。所以盲目的刷题简直是浪费生命,本人从16年上半年一直按照题目解决人数从高到低排序,不断的刷水题。显然易见,刷水题的后果就是没有长进,熟悉的还是熟悉,不懂的还是不懂,唯一让自己开心的就是刷题数量的累积。所以科学刷题的本质在于不断挑战新高度,在一个平台练习足够久足够熟练之后,就要进入下一个难度平台。为了方便大家,我把Codeforces上截止2017年1月3日的所有题目的基本信息用爬虫收集了下来,并存储到excel里。更进一步,本文试图分析不同算法在不同难度等级上的出现频率分布,以及不同算法在不同难度等级上被解决次数的分布。最后,我会简要介绍的我的刷题观,以及如何爬取Codeforces上的信息。

先说结论 一张图


上面这张图反映了不同算法(第一列)在不同问题难度(第一行)上的频率分布,基于该图,大概就可以知道在什么样的水平下应该掌握什么样的算法。不过这里我没有区分Div1和Div2之间的差别,仅仅是按照题号(A、B、C等等)来推断难度。可以看到对简单的A题而言,大部分都是考察基本的编程功底,诸如implementation(大概就是题目说什么,你做什么就是了),math(四则运算、取模取整等等)以及brute force(暴力枚举)。而随着难度的增加,比如说E题,主要就在于考察对dp(动态规划),data structures(数据结构)。当然了,从图中也可以看出,高难度题目主要在math,geometry(计算几何),shortest path(图论)以及games(博弈)上。下面再免费附送领一张图,反映了不同算法在不同问题难度上被解决次数的频率分布。






这里搬来我在知乎上的回答,详见 LeetCode按照怎样的顺序来刷题比较好?

如果想提升自己的思维能力 ,可以按照AC率或者解决人数由低到高二分查找匹配自己当前水平难度的题目,然后适当挑战高难度题(二分时间复杂度是  O(logN) O(log⁡N) ,至少比从易到难的  O(N) O(N) 节省时间)如果想巩固某一专题 ,那自然应该按照tag来刷题,但是因为所用的方法在求解前已知,不太利于思维能力的提升如果什么都不懂 ,那么建议随机刷题,一来可以涨见识,二来进步空间比较大如果想提高AC率或者增加自信 ,那么建议刷水题混搭以上策略 ,比如针对某一专题,然后用二分查找来选择问题求解



据说大神们的刷题量都是上万的,所以正式比赛里可以看到诸多大神不到一分钟就秒了一道题,手速太快。对Competitive Programming而言,把题目做对是基本要求(题目太难则另当别论),用更快的速度求解才是顶尖高手之间的核心区别。如果说真的有天赋存在的话,那我们也无能为力;但希望能像卖油翁一样说出,『无他,但手熟尔』。

如何用爬虫获取信息 必要的库 1: import re2: import urllib.request3: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup4: import os5: import csv6: import time 爬取Codeforces的所有算法题 1: #%% retrieve the problem set 2: def spider(url): 3: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) 4: soup = BeautifulSoup( 5: pattern = {'name': 'tr'} 6: content = soup.findAll(**pattern) 7: for row in content: 8: item = row.findAll('td') 9: try:10: # get the problem id11: id = item[0].find('a').string.strip()12: col2 = item[1].findAll('a')13: # get the problem title14: title = col2[0].string.strip()15: # get the problem tags16: tags = [foo.string.strip() for foo in col2[1:]]17: # get the number of AC submissions18: solved = re.findall('x(\d+)', str(item[3].find('a')))[0]19: # update the problem info20: codeforces[id] = {'title':title, 'tags':tags, 'solved':solved, 'accepted':0,}21: except:22: continue23: return soup24: 25: codeforces = {}26: wait = 15 # wait time to avoid the blocking of spider27: last_page = 33 # the total page number of problem set page28: url = ['' % page for page in range(1,last_page+1)]29: for foo in url:30: print('Processing URL %s' % foo)31: spider(foo)32: print('Wait %f seconds' % wait)33: time.sleep(wait) 标记已解决的算法题 1: #%% mark the accepted problems 2: def accepted(url): 3: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) 4: soup = BeautifulSoup( 5: pattern = {'name':'table', 'class':'status-frame-datatable'} 6: table = soup.findAll(**pattern)[0] 7: pattern = {'name': 'tr'} 8: content = table.findAll(**pattern) 9: for row in content:10: try:11: item = row.findAll('td')12: # check whether this problem is solved13: if 'Accepted' in str(row):14: id = item[3].find('a').string.split('-')[0].strip()15: codeforces[id]['accepted'] = 116: except:17: continue18: return soup19: 20: wait = 15 # wait time to avoid the blocking of spider21: last_page = 10 # the total page number of user submission22: handle = 'Greenwicher' # please input your handle23: url = ['' % (handle, page) for page in range(1, last_page+1)]24: for foo in url:25: print('Processing URL %s' % foo)26: accepted(foo)27: print('Wait %f seconds' % wait)28: time.sleep(wait) 输出爬取信息到csv文本 1: #%% output the problem set to csv files 2: root = os.getcwd() 3: with open(os.path.join(root,"CodeForces-ProblemSet.csv"),"w", encoding="utf-8") as f_out: 4: f_csv = csv.writer(f_out) 5: f_csv.writerow(['ID', 'Title', 'Tags', 'Solved', 'Accepted']) 6: for id in codeforces: 7: title = codeforces[id]['title'] 8: tags = ', '.join(codeforces[id]['tags']) 9: solved = codeforces[id]['solved']10: accepted = codeforces[id]['accepted']11: f_csv.writerow([id, title, tags, solved, accepted])12: f_out.close() 分析题目难度以及算法分类的关系 1: #%% analyze the problem set 2: # initialize the difficult and tag list 3: difficult_level = {} 4: tags_level = {} 5: for id in codeforces: 6: difficult = re.findall('([A-Z])', id)[0] 7: tags = codeforces[id]['tags'] 8: difficult_level[difficult] = difficult_level.get(difficult, 0) + 1 9: for tag in tags:10: tags_level[tag] = tags_level.get(tag, 0) + 111: import operator12: tag_level = sorted(tags_level.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[::-1]13: tag_list = [foo[0] for foo in tag_level]14: difficult_level = sorted(difficult_level.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))15: difficult_list = [foo[0] for foo in difficult_level]16: 17: # initialize the 2D relationships matrix18: # matrix_solved: the number of AC submission for each tag in each difficult level19: # matrix_freq: the number of tag frequency for each diffiicult level20: matrix_solved, matrix_freq = [[[0] * len(difficult_list) for _ in range(len(tag_list))] for _ in range(2)]21: 22: 23: # construct the 2D relationships matrix24: for id in codeforces:25: difficult = re.findall('([A-Z])', id)[0]26: difficult_id = difficult_list.index(difficult)27: tags = codeforces[id]['tags']28: solved = codeforces[id]['solved']29: for tag in tags:30: tag_id = tag_list.index(tag)31: matrix_solved[tag_id][difficult_id] += int(solved)32: matrix_freq[tag_id][difficult_id] += 1 下载本文源代码以及分析结果

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