Level 666: "The Hallway to Hell" 您所在的位置:网站首页 \0\666\1\1\2\5.png Level 666: "The Hallway to Hell"

Level 666: "The Hallway to Hell"

2024-01-23 02:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The MEG's Logo (Thanks to Egglord1)


Level 666 has been designated Impresario Class Priority. If you have suddenly been assigned to Level 666, please read the following document.

Reason: The dangerous nature of Level 666 due to the level being an entrance to Hell itself.

Protocol: Under no circumstances one should enter this level. Only use drones to explore this level M.E.G. Notice: The Shinto gateway was purposely made as a cover up by Level 666 to trick Wanderers from thinking they are safe from Jigoku (地獄), known as the Buddhism’s depiction of Hell.⠀ ⠀

"Dear Gary, Welcome to your destination. we are thrilled you have chosen us for your stay. On the behalf of [REDACTED], we wish you the best for a warm and welcome stay."


🕱 🕱 Sd-hexagon Survival Difficulty: Class Deadzone »⠀Numerous Hazards »⠀Strictly Uninhabitable »⠀Presence of Lethal Entities

Level 666 is the 667th level of the Backrooms.

Level 666 -)

The first known photo of Level 666, and quite possibly one of the oldest photographs to be taken inside the Backrooms. The photo was discovered next to a severely damaged wooden box camera by a wanderer. The photograph is assumed to have originated in the 1890s.

Level 666 -)


Level 666, otherwise known as "Gates of Hell" or "The Hallway To Hell" is a system of hallways constructed out of Japanese torii gates extending in an unspecified length. Its physical appearance is indistinguishable from that of the Fushimi Inari shrine, though accompanied by slight anomalies and bewildering geometry. Its properties such as its complex configuration, in addition to its hazardous nature, result in its intended purpose to be annulled. Nonetheless, there might be a chance Level 666 was deliberated as a tourist attraction, however; due to its aforementioned characteristics, it is too unjustifiably abnormal to be one.

Torii gates of Level 666 are seemingly replicated on each other for an indefinite length. It is constructed out of an undetermined material; this material possesses a texture and appearance similar to reinforced concrete, though it composes of minerals such as diamonds, nickel, and limestone. Due to this, any attempts to damage these torii gates remain ineffectual. These torii gates possess similar characteristics to the torii gates in the Frontrooms, as they bear similar red paint coating and black paint coating on each foot of a gate.

The Outdoors

The Outdoors is an infamous, yet mystifying area of Level 666. It is impossible to enter due to the prison-like architecture of the hallway, in addition to the impossibly hard rock. It has been described as "a forest, without a horizon", possibly referring to its seemingly infinite size. It surrounds a monumental mountain, with a scale enough to trigger paranoia and fear. It stays visible and appear to be in the same position anywhere in the hallway, no matter where one is located. Abandoned temples and shrines occasionally appear inside the forest, occasionally hanging from massive trees. They do not have an intended purpose, they are eerily pristine, but empty. Bones and organs had been reported to cover these structures' floor, walls, including the roof. I feel like something had gone wrong here, but I don't really know.

Level 666 follows a 24-hour day-and-night cycle, with a "sun" which rises and sets in a random direction instead of east to west. Level 666's day-and-night cycle does not affect the risk of entities, both are equally as dangerous. The day-and-night cycle of Level 666 possesses an abnormality in which it instantly changes into day/night, instead of slowly fleeting into day to night, or vice-versa. Compasses and other devices which bear a magnet will malfunction due to the theorized magnetic effect the forest may or may not possess.


Level 666 possesses multiple hazards to ensure no wanderers are able to survive for long. There exists three hazards, consisting of entity, environmental, and mental hazards. These hazards come at random for everybody, regardless, these hazards can both happen at the same time.

Entity Hazard

Entities in Level 666 are considerably quicker due to the effect nicknamed the "Gate Effect". In addition to the challenge, cracks, holes, and gaps occasionally appear, forcing wanderers to avoid and jump these hindrances. If one stumbles upon an impossible jump, it is better to be terminated by an entity, as these gaps lead to the Void. It is impossible to die in the Void, alternatively one is doomed to fall in its darkness forever.

Environmental Hazard

Level 666 frequently experiences earthquakes, which is presumably what causes cracks, holes, and gaps. Level 666's earthquakes range 7-12 magnitude earthquake. These earthquakes happen at random, although they usually occur thirty minutes after one enters the level. The aforementioned cracks and huge gaps formed by these powerful earthquakes reveal an empty black void that leads to the Void. These earthquakes makes running from entities much more difficult.

Mental Hazard

Level 666 takes advantage of one’s phobias and mental illnesses (mainly PTSD) by making one experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations of traumatic experiences, dead loved ones, greatest fears, and regrets. Almond Water and Super Almond Water is proven to be useless in Level 666 as the effects of it would not matter compared to the sudden sanity loss. Given enough time, wanderers will turn into an Insanity due to the significant drop of one’s sanity.

Additional Information

The true entrance to Hell

Neon Hallway of Hell

An image of the Neon Hallway

Neon Hallway of Hell

If one manages to wander far enough in the grueling hallway of Level 666 without decimating or falling to the Void, they will stumble upon a hallway made up of the same concrete-like rock, however, it is painted white instead of red. The hallway bear colorful arches decorated with neon lights corresponding with the color of the arch it is placed on. A neon sign that reads "Hello gorgeous!" can be seen in the end of the hallway. If one decides to push it, the hallway will open up to the same torii gate hallway. Nevertheless, everything, the floor, the outdoor, everything except for the lanterns and the torii gates are pitch black, devoid of any texture. The floor is commonly covered with bones and organs, similar to temples and shrines located outside of the hallway. Regardless, on rare occasions manifestations and hallucinations can happen inside this hallway.

In the end, there is a wooden door, opening it will lead one to the typical Japanese hallway again, this time with a welcome mat reading “Welcome to Hell! We hope you have a happy stay here.” in Japanese. The sky is blood red, and flickers every 10 seconds, and the trees had lost its leaves. Some parts of the hallway is completely gone, forcing wanderers to jump over them.

At this point, there is no turning back, you have to keep going.

> Open File: Ash > Close File: Ash CUIconPerson of Interest: Ash Status: Missing, assumed deadPossible Location(s): Unknown, presumably the VoidKnown Affiliation(s): M.E.G.Last Seen: Level 666 Recovered Note


Level 666 Crime

Where am I?

I have been walking through the never-ending torii gates for months. The food and drink I brought are long since gone. It has been 100 days since I tasted a drop of Almond Water, am I starting to fall apart? I’m lucky I haven’t turned into an Insanity, although I have red marks all over my left leg. I wasted all my Almond Water on that shit, I should’ve just pulled the trigger when I entered this goddamn level a long time ago, but I was ignorant, I trusted those M.E.G. bastards. They could’ve told me I’d most likely disintegrate at this level, but they didn’t. They said I’ll survive through the journey and exit SOMEHOW, and food and Almond Water can save you, but it’s all bullshit. I’m sure most of the people in that organization aren’t pieces of shit, I’ve made friends with some of them, but a few of those “friends” betrayed me. I’m sure they don’t care about me, they probably think I’m already dead. I don’t have enough time to write and rant about those cowards, heck, I feel wrong including them inside this note.


I’ve discovered something. It is, it is truly gorgeous. For long, I’ve thought the “Hello gorgeous” hallway in this level was just a fairy tale, people made jokes about it and even made spooky stories about it. When I saw that hallway, I froze. I suddenly forget everything that exists, I was just, admiring it. It didn’t feel right, it felt like a distant memory or a dream. How did that person discover it? I have tons of questions, however, they will remain unanswered for eternity. As I’m writing this down, sitting here, thinking about my family and friends back in the Frontrooms. I’m starting to miss, and even obsess over them. I have a feeling I can exit this place, but deep down, I’m hopeless, I’m broken, and I don’t know what is real, and what’s not.


Level 666 Sparkle

The only thing left to me...

I’ve noticed the year is now 2002, happy New Year's Eve, I guess. This holiday is the only thing special to me, this holiday gave me the best memories. I have to thank this holiday for keeping me alive so far, how can I find him?. I've started to turn into an Insanity, I wasted those Almond Water for nothing. I'm homesick, lost, and want help, but I know that shit is long since gone. Nobody came to help me, I forgot who I am now, I forgot what my family looks like. The only thing I only have left is the distant memory of fireworks, the smell of smoky barbecue on a New Year's Eve, and a sparkler. Perhaps I should celebrate my last one here, I still have one sparkler left, I brought some in case. I've always admired the sparkles the sparklers made. I almost can relate to them, started bright and young, and after less than a second, poof, gone and forgotten.

I'm going to end the note here now, this is my last ever message. If you're reading this, it's too late, you have to pull the trigger. It's better than going through that neon hell, I assure you it is the best for you. For now, I'll have to say good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight. Also, Happy New Year's Eve.

The Forest

The Border between Heaven and Hell

An image of the dark forest beneath Level 666.

The Border between Heaven and Hell

Underneath the rocky and hazardous surface of Level 666's hallway, there exists a forest located outside of reality itself. The trees in the forest possess thin, and eerie trunks. The trees are devoid of leaves and a root, as they appear to go on forever without an end. The forest itself is devoid of any color nor physics, as one can easily go through walls and "swim" through the air in the forest. Gravity does not exist, and it is unknown how the trees has an ability to stay stable. It is assumed the forest acts as a barrier which separates heaven and hell. There exists reports of shadowy figures inside the forest, however they are not confirmed to be true. It is theorized the forest is the location where powerful entities (main Class 7 entities) in the Backrooms meet each other.

The forest seems to prove the fact that the Backrooms is a "purgatory" of some sort, the final place where one goes through a process in which one is cleansed, or purified instead of getting a punishment.

Colonies & Outposts

Due to the nature of Level 666, establishing a community is infeasible.


Level 666 bears common entities such as Hounds, , Skin-Stealers, and etc. Clumps are the most common entity in Level 666, as their purposed objective is to trip wanderers to prevent them from escaping entities; or making one fall to the Void. Entities such as Adult Facelings, Smilers, and Frowners have never been spotted in Level 666.

Entrances & Exits

Level 666 exit

A photo of a staircase leading to Level 404.

Level 666 exit

Entrances Entering certain rooms in Level 5; Uncovering a pumpkin in Level 10; Other levels possesses locations which when noclip through or enter will lead one to Level 666. Exits If the torii gates turn into paifangs, an exit to Level 909 is present further into the hallway. Swimming through a river cutting the hallway in half possesses a chance of leading one to Level 100. A stairwell marked "Market" will lead one to Level 404. Other exits from Level 666 to other levels do exist; however, most are unconfirmed. > Open Author & Licensing Information > Open Author & Licensing Information Written and Rewritten by: SherlsF Torii Gate Image: https://www.pxfuel.com/en/free-photo-eumgv, edited by author "Hello Gorgeous" Image: Taken and edited by author Forest Image: https://www.reddit.com/r/LiminalSpace/ The article is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0, excluding other content such as images, code, additional information, etc. which are licensed under the same licenses determined by their respective authors, meaning you may or may not include them in your own work. Others may share and adapt the work(e.g. translations), though it is required to credit all of the authors above including applying the same license to your derivative work. Recommended Pages Made by the Author Levels Megalophobia │ The Hallway to Hell │ A Child's Abnormality │ White Torture │ Roads to AbyssHaphazard Remnants │ The Hive │ Saturation │ Terror Basins │ Innocent Ball Pit │ Day ZeroVitrum MadnessThe Last Snow │ The Unit │ Antiquated Perpetuity │ Indigence │ Niagara of Iron(ic) Fists: The Contra-Pulp Fiction Theme, Vol. I & Vol. II Entities Mandela Disease │ The Death Locomotive │ Rainbows │ Count the Stars! Tales The Temporal Yellow Joke Em Dash Island






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